My friends invited me to their family camp out in vernal last year to hunt for shark teeth, learn about dinosaurs and the history of those who discovered them here in Utah. I never finished editing this vlog for some odd reason and are extra happy to present this to you guys for your entertainment and for my journaling’ needs.

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Thanks for the Metal version of the Jurrasic Park theme RockGuitar7X, here is the original:

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

Music by Ronald Jenkees:

Additional Music from

Digital Juice Music inc.

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Yanutha Private Island Fiji – Paul Green Vlogs ep174

Im filming a movie in Fiji! wow, its been amazing! even though the first two days were just a bit of a challenge with the windy and rainy weather and

Paul Green Vlogs ep137 – Coin Roll Hunting

Nerd alert! yeah that’s me, although we all know that nerds are good at math which makes me mostly a Geek, so… Just wanted to clarify, but yes, I do

A Candle in the Window available Nov 1, 2019

I was camera assistant on a short film called “A Candle in the Window”. Here is a playlist of video I made during the filming as a behind the scenes.