Hello shanny fannies, here is your Shanny update for July 27th, 2017..

Early this morning an instagram post from “EDucating shanny” went out picturing a pregnancy test and read: ” well folks, Took another test and it looks like there’s for sure no bun in my oven. If I do have one in there, it’s just a tiny smudge that wants to stay in the bottom left side of the circle but maybe our future still holds a baby… Miracles happen every day, right?!”

This information coming a day after the YouTube-counselor announced that she simply needs to take a break.

Days prior, EDucating Shanny held her second meet and greet and first ever for her home state in Utah and was overheard saying, boy howdy am I tired. This is only speculative of course, however one could assume that she just might actually be, tired.

And this just in from Shanny herself. Disclaimer. The following are Shannons own words and not that of the Paul Green Vlogs and or affiliates. Warning, The words diarrhea and butt hole are used in the following update statement by EDucating Shanny

“Hey guys! I know it’s only been a day, but I miss you already and I’m thinking of coming back sooner 😜
We’ll see πŸ˜‰
I’ve been extra sick the past couple of days. I haven’t slept much, I have raging diarrhea and I can’t keep much down. My pain problems are on the severe side, and my butthole is raw from all the pooping. You’re welcome.
But despite all that, I’m trying to stay positive and look on the bright side.
For instance: my legs, arms, fingers, toes, tummy, chest, back, butt, head and face hurt really bad…BUT, at least I HAVE legs, arms, fingers, toes, a tummy, a chest, a back, a butt, a head and a face…so that’s a plus 😜
Thanks Paul, for doing these updates! Everyone better sub to him or I’ll be super bummed. And he’s gonna hate me for saying that. 😝
Love and miss you guys! Be back soon. And remember forever and always, that you are beautiful, you are worth it and I am too! 🎢Thank you for watching…bye! 🎢 (Paul, you better have sang that) πŸ˜‰”

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