Hello Shanny fannies here is your Shanny update for July 30th 2017.

Shannies instagram is blowin up y’all!… oh that’s me..

What’s else,
Apparently rainbow poop with hands is the most wonderful, glorious most bestest thing that has happened to Shanny this week.

However some late breaking news about when and where Shanny might be pooping up, pardon me, popping up rather has come to light.

more on that story in a moment…

But first, news about a bit of an accident involving the YouTuber hit the instagram scene yesterday. And now for the detailed account from Shanny herself:

I was moving a very heavy cabinet and I was sliding it backwards, not seeing where I was going. I tripped backwards on another box that was on the floor.

I then fell straight onto my butt, hitting my ankle, straining my neck and then I, and my knee, were pinned under the cabinet. It landed hard on my knee, and it was too heavy for me to move it off.

I frantically pounded on the wall, hoping Danny would hear me, but he wasn’t home.

I knew I was dying.

I then heard my bird flying around in the other room, which meant she had gotten out of her cage. Worried that she would also die, my Mama Bird instinct kicked in, and I was able to lift the cabinet off of my injured knee.

Unfortunately I didn’t hold on well enough, and the cabinet slipped from my fingers and fell on my knee AGAIN.

I knew I had no choice but to lift it off of my knee, that was probably needing amputation at this point. I accessed my inner She Hulk, to go and save my flying child, and lifted the entire cabinet off my body.

After an annoying 20 minute long hide-and-seek game with my bird, thinking she was dead because I couldn’t find her and she wouldn’t answer me, I finally found her by almost stepping on her in the laundry room floor.

All is well. I’m pretty sure we won’t ACTUALLY die. However, I got a bruised knee, a bit of whiplash, lots of bruises everywhere, and my bird is now grounded for scaring the poo out of me.

But at least I POOPED 💩

We do not have solid confirmation on this story but sources have informed us the poo was.

In lighter news, on the EDucating Shanny YouTube channel. Shanny announced that she will be attending the CVX Live social media convention event held in Salt Lake City Utah. During the 3rd, 4th and 5th of August at the Salt Palace convention center.

CVX stands for Creator, Viewer, Experience

it is an event designed to bring online media creators and their fans together.

EDucating Shanny along with Paul Green Vlogs… me.. will be in attendance.

Shanny went into hysterics after realization that her long favored and adored Ballinger family will be in attendance. Unconfirmed reports lead us to believe that Shanny produced a massive rainbow colored brick upon hearing of this news. Reports of this are unclear but we are going to say it’s a fact…

It’s a fact.

This has been your Shanny update.

Remember, forever and always that you are beautiful, you are worth it, and I am too. Thank you for watching byyyye. 🎶

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