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My name is Ravi Subramanian Kandhamani, my dream is to become the greatest superhero my small village in India has ever seen before. I’ve come to interview superheros of old and seeing how there is no superhero in my small village of India, I have a very good shot!

Ravi meets Glenn Morshower and learns you have to be hit pretty hard to see someone elses’ god. And if Ravi was an evil superhero he would destroy people with his peace.

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Paul Green Vlogs ep96 – CineStage Music Competition Live with DJP

Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and the video industry. I now like to vlog them. Come along on my random adventures and consider subscribing! Don’t

Paul Green Vlogs ep34 – Not Cinderella’s Type Day 1

Today began our production on "Not Cinderella's Type" movie. Were in Liberty park in Salt Lake City Utah. it was super hot and very humid which is VERY rare for