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My name is Ravi Subramanian Kandhamani, my dream is to become the greatest superhero my small village in India has ever seen before. I’ve come to interview superheros of old and seeing how there is no superhero in my small village of India, I have a very good shot!

Ravi meets Glenn Morshower and learns you have to be hit pretty hard to see someone elses’ god. And if Ravi was an evil superhero he would destroy people with his peace.

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Paul Green Vlogs ep47 – Comic Books and Wagon Wheels

Hung out with my buddy who will probably never even read this and has no clue what a "Paullower" is cause he doesn't watch YouTube or my vids. haha, its

Paul Green Vlogs ep82 – Chat Books Commercial Behind the Scenes

Hi, My name is Paul, I work in the camera department of movies and commercials and I like to vlog now, so you could watch this if you're really bored.

Paul Green ep13 – A Day of Spines and Rock

Paul Green Vlogs ep13

Friday was a day of rock-n-roll and spines. First my chiropractor, then some work, then cleaning my car, then rocking the spinal tap. Thanks for watching, please subscribe! Music: