On feb 1st 2021 I came down with intense symptoms for Covid 19 and sure enough with a hospital nasal swab test I was positive. I have spend the last 21 days in bed pretty much. It was not a quick one for me like some, but so so grateful is wasn’t worse, because I think death would have been next. I am finally feeling better as of the 21st with some residual things like taste and smell being messed up. Specially with tooth paste, it is horrible and of course the fatigue that most people with covid experience well after. Im ready to get well and to do some things with this channel. Oh and thank you guys for 4,000+ subscribers! Im so thankful!

Welcome to my channel! my name is Paul D. Green. I work in the film and video production industry. My grandparents kept great journals, I plan to follow their example and keep making these vlogs to maintain a journal of whatever I’m doing and do so in an entertaining way! New Videos Every Monday! or more

#covid19 #igotsick

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

Please start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzJPaG1KVx4&list=PLLriJ2zA5pXFbbnLHQl6N8anT92U9K5r-

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The Paul D Green Vlog Trailer

Paul Green Vlogs Trailer

Become a Paullower and Paullow my Vlog! Panks.. I mean thanks! https://www.youtube.com/pauldgreen

Paul Green ep25 – Huge Mini Film Production pt 3 of 3

Paul Green Vlogs ep 25

This time were out in the desert. Near Dugway Utah to be exact, on Skull Valley road. We filmed all day long on this one section of highway while the