I had the amazing opportunity to not only work in Ireland but during our workday I asked a local Air B and B owner to where we were working at if I could have permission to metal detect their land. I was granted it on conditions of the found items remain theirs. I was very excited as you may well see in the video. I had a great time but didn’t want to take up my buddy Dannys entire singular day off. But we set off and had some fun. The land owner allowed me to keep what I found actually, (since it wasn’t gold or anything really worth much, which I failed to mention, yes I got to keep the finds.)

00:00 Intro
00:44 Cullintra House
01:45 My First Coin in Ireland!
03:01 A Sunny Day in Ireland
03:58 The Sunday Massacre?
07:30 The One Ring!?
08:43 The Finds Thus far…
12:00 The Old Oak Tree
13:08 To The Back Yard!
16:00 The Mystery of the Old Estate
17:15 The Great Wide Open
18:53 The Deep Subject Raises
19:12 Cut to the Finds!

I was careful not to dig on any archeological sites and pretty much stayed to her direct property. It was a very good day and I was happy and grateful for the experience!

Welcome to my channel! my name is Paul D. Green. I work in the film and video production industry. My grandparents kept great journals, I plan to follow their example and keep making these vlogs to maintain a journal of whatever I’m doing and do so in an entertaining way! New Videos Every Monday! or more

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

For all my other metal detecting videos, go here!

Please start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzJPaG1KVx4&list=PLLriJ2zA5pXFbbnLHQl6N8anT92U9K5r-

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