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My name is Ravi Subramanian Kandhamani, my dream is to becomd the greatest superhero my small village in India has ever seen before. I’ve come to interview superheros of old and seeing how there is no superhero in my small village of India, I have a very good shot!

Ravi meets Michelle Money and gets engaged and looks forward to a dowry in his honor.

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A Candle in the Window BTS – a vlog Paul Green ep159

We were in the snow all day, it was cold, but we had each other’s love to keep us warm. That and Johns farts. Thanks John! Please like, comment and

Paul Green Vlogs ep137 – Coin Roll Hunting

Nerd alert! yeah that’s me, although we all know that nerds are good at math which makes me mostly a Geek, so… Just wanted to clarify, but yes, I do

The Cliffs of Kilkee Ireland – Paul Green Vlogs ep168

About a year and a half ago I worked on a television series called The Outpost. It was tons of work and I was hoping it would pan out to