Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and now in television with my newest position on the CW series: “The Outpost”. I like to vlog whatever Im able to. Come along on my random adventures and consider subscribing! Don’t worry about catching up on vlogs, there’s no story line here, start anytime now, it’s free! Thanks! 💚😊

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Be excellent to each other and TTFN:

End title music by Ronald Jenkees:
“Dr Goose Robbins”
on Rhodes Deep

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Paul Green Vlogs update August 26, 2017

Thanks for watching, become a "Paullower" by subscribing! Be excellent to each other and TTFN: https://www.youtube.com/pauldgreen

Halloween Time at Disneyland and Pin Trading

Hi, my name is Paul. I like Disneyland, Disney Pin Trading and Halloween so here's a video with all three. Please enjoy. Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe, thanks!

Paul Green Vlogs ep36 – Not Cinderella’s Type Day 3

We literally wrangled a cat and it took about 25 takes to get it to run in a straight line for 3 feet. uuuuhg. Fun day, this shoot is