Did some health stuff today involving my doctors finger 🙁 but hey, we did the whisper challenge which is a laugh riot! Thanks to my best buds Danny and Shanny with EDucating Shanny!

Watch EDucating Shannys whisper challenge here!

Subscribe to her, I love her so very mucho!

Thanks for watching, please subscribe to me as well!

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Paul Green Vlogs ep113 – Birthday Friends Celebrate – Drift Trikes

Went to Los Harmanos with friends to celebrate my buddy Dougs birthday. Then we rode drift trikes, played "CRUD" and other fun games at Shauns office. It was a great

The Paul Green Vlog Update – July 1st Fireworks

Paul Green Vlogs Update Jul 1

I just wanted to bring everybody up-to-date on the vlog situation and when more were coming out. Thanks for staying tuned and subscribing and if you haven’t done so become

My Greatest Adventure! New video up!

https://youtu.be/d-__Cs8oDPI #Tahiti #BestJobEver #VoiceOver