This time were out in the desert. Near Dugway Utah to be exact, on Skull Valley road. We filmed all day long on this one section of highway while the Sheriffs department stopped traffic for us. It was a bit of a hectic day with our B camera mysteriously going down multiple times and having to trouble shoot a complete anomaly while a half dozen people breath down my neck wanting results and answers immediately. With a 10 minute lunch break for me as I try frantically to switch the camera from a mechanical follow focus which I was raised in the industry on, to a wireless that is constantly having to be calibrated. Wasn’t super thrilled about that, but it worked out in the end. It sort of sucks when the camera dept. heads ask me to build the camera to what I, myself will be successful on and then in the middle of shooting tell me to switch to something foreign for the benefit of saving a few inches of space near the camera instead of accommodating to keep the flow going. Yeah, that’s all, just kinda sucks. Rant over, I enjoyed working with these guys honestly. but I’m happy to be going back to my small town productions again where I can laugh during production once in a while.

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Music by Ronald Jenkees. Links to his music!

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