Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and the video industry. I now like to vlog them. Come along on my random adventures and consider subscribing! Don’t worry about catching up on vlogs, there’s no story line here, start anytime now, it’s free! Thanks! 💚😊

Thanks for watching, become a “Paullower” by subscribing!
Be excellent to each other and TTFN:

End title music by Ronald Jenkees:
“Dr Goose Robbins”
on Rhodes Deep

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The Paul Green Vlog Update – July 1st Fireworks

Paul Green Vlogs Update Jul 1

I just wanted to bring everybody up-to-date on the vlog situation and when more were coming out. Thanks for staying tuned and subscribing and if you haven’t done so become

New Friend? – Kevin’s Search for Friends

Kevin's outward vocalization of needing a friend results in mixed results. Written, Directed and Produced by Kevin Lyde and lower down the line, Paul Green Music by the one and only balderdash

Paul Green Vlogs ep80 – Western Mob, Ear Bud Giveaway and Danny Shanny Hangout

Hi, Im Paul. I work in film production in the camera dept. I like adventures and vlogging, come "Paullow" iffen ya want to! This vlog is from Sept 6 and 7