The Mount Cashel House in Kilmury Ireland is AMAZING! I loved so many things about it, I loved the cold strangeness of trying to sleep there, all because its so new and exciting for me to be out of the country doing the work I absolutely love. I love the people I am working with. The atmosphere here is so wet, damp and GREEN! I look past any of the possible inhospitable attributes because of the sheer awe and wonder of a land that has such ancient history evident at so many turns. I really loved every moment of it. This video is mostly me gushing over moss the entire time. I couldn’t cut anything out, so the length drones on for a while, sorry bout that. This day was spent, doing that, and building the RED cinema camera to make sure it was operational so we could begin principle photography on what would become a 6 month endeavor of film making with many ups and downs. Mostly ups! πŸ˜‰

Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and now in television with my newest position on NBC Universals series: “The Outpost”. I like to vlog whatever Im able to. Come along on my random adventures and consider subscribing! Don’t worry about catching up on vlogs, there’s no story line here, start anytime now, it’s free! Thanks! πŸ’šπŸ˜Š

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

Music by Ronald Jenkees:

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Paul Green Vlogs ep57 – Tuff Trucks and Poop

Thanks for watching, become a "Paullower" by subscribing! Be excellent to each other and TTFN:

Paul Green Vlogs ep130 – The Rain (Road) to Hana Maui Hawaii

Hi guys, This is a RE-UPLOAD of ep130.. There were some technical things that really needed changing, specially some of the audio sync problems that I am soo happy

Paul Green Vlogs ep40 – Not Cinderella’s Type Day 7

At the Provo Beach Resort and then on to the Candle Light Media studio and "Attic Days". There were several "Attic Days" that felt like weeks due to the