Aug 13-17th, 2018 I filmed with my highschool buddy I haven’t seen in forever, Jeff Yeats and it was cool to get back working with some other film friends I hadnt seen in a whole such as Danny James from the Outpost and A. Todd. At this point we had been filming for three days already on an app for car pooling and the company or the app may be called Somo, we will see.

Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and now in television with my newest position on NBC Universals series: “The Outpost”. I like to vlog whatever Im able to. Come along on my random adventures and consider subscribing! Don’t worry about catching up on vlogs, there’s no story line here, start anytime now, it’s free! Thanks! 💚😊

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

Music by Ronald Jenkees:

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