This is Day four of a production I am on called, “Not Cinderellas Type”. My Name is Paul Green, Im 36, a film maker and now surprisingly, a vlogger. I have really loved doing this so far. My grandparents kept such wonderful journals. I have really wanted to do the same thing for years but failed. Until now, technology has really helped me to remember and capture what I do. It is starting to turn into a daily practice, It has been difficult to keep up with creating so much content, But It has really paid off. Any time I need to remember what I did not even two days ago I can simply pull it up. I love it.. And you guys are an added bonus! Thanks for coming along with me, much love to you!

(NEW!) check out the trailer for Not Cinderella’s type!

Music by the Heatley Bros, they have really fun music:

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