My buddy Danny’s first official day on set of BYUtv’s Studio C as prop master. I helped out by hooking him up with a friend of mines live chicken. It was a hay of a day!

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Paul Green ep2 – Happy Memorial Day

Paul Green Vlogs

Happy Memorial Day. Today I honor all those military men and woman who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom. My father Garry Baxter Green served in the

Paul Green Vlogs Live at the Shanny Meet and Greet! Pt 2 of 2

On Saturday July 22nd, I will be covering the EDucating Shanny meet and greet live from Provo Utah. My good buddy Doug Johnson from DJP was the live camera operator and

Paul Green Vlogs ep130 – The Rain (Road) to Hana Maui Hawaii

Hi guys, This is a RE-UPLOAD of ep130.. There were some technical things that really needed changing, specially some of the audio sync problems that I am soo happy