My friend Shannys dreams basically come true when she gets the opportunity to to meet big time YouTubers; “The Ballinger Family” at Salt Lake City’s Salt Palace during the CVX Live event.

Go visit EDucating Shanny

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Paul Green Vlogs ep34 – Not Cinderella’s Type Day 1

Today began our production on "Not Cinderella's Type" movie. Were in Liberty park in Salt Lake City Utah. it was super hot and very humid which is VERY rare for

Paul Green Vlogs ep141 – Mount Cashel House Kilmurry Ireland 🍀

The Mount Cashel House in Kilmury Ireland is AMAZING! I loved so many things about it, I loved the cold strangeness of trying to sleep there, all because its so

Paul Green Vlogs ep50 – A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

A metaphoric and non literal but still earth shaking bomb dropped on my buddy Danny. Shanny and myself swing into action to help the shock and awed Danny with