Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and now I like to vlog them. Come along on my random adventures too and consider subscribing. Don’t worry about catching up on vlogs, there’s no story line here, start anytime now, it’s free! Thanks! 💚😊

Last year I went on an overt operation with family to expose the truths about the fortune cookie market in China town San Fransisco. What I found was nothing more than.. a woman making fortune cookies… It was cool, enjoy! 😲

If you’re looking to edit on an iOS device definitely look into Luma Fusion: https://luma-touch.com/lumafusion-for-ios/

My family and I went on a california trip. One of the days we went out to China town and took a look around. My cousin Gavin told us we gotta go check out this place where they make fortune cookies. You can even have your own personal fortunes put into them.

Thanks for watching, become a “Paullower” by subscribing!
Be excellent to each other and TTFN:

Beginning and end title music by Ronald Jenkees:
“Dr Goose Robbins”
on Rhodes Deep

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