I went with my family to Orlandos Universal Studios for the first time ever! it was lots of fun. Unlike the Hollywood version, you could spend several days in this place. I thought we’d be able to cover it in one let alone we found out we could only be there till 5pm! good thing were pretty magic ourselves and could “accio” the crap out of this place.

Hi my name is Paul, I work on movies and the video industry. I now like to vlog them. Come along on my random adventures and consider subscribing! Don’t worry about catching up on vlogs, there’s no story line here, start anytime now, it’s free! Thanks! 💚😊

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Be excellent to each other and TTFN:

End title music by Ronald Jenkees:
“Dr Goose Robbins”
on Rhodes Deep

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Paul Green ep16 – Nickel City Arcade fun

Paul Green Vlogs ep16

A few errands then enough with the adulting, back to the basics with Nickel City and some big kid fun. Yeah it may have taken a bunch of bucks, but

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