Justin Scarred and the sometimes vlog; Randomland has created some collectible type pins for our enjoyments n such. I bought some and opened them on camera and gave some of my random thoughts. Enjoy!

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Paul Green ep18 – Airsoft Battle with Shades

Paul Green Vlogs ep18

Thanks for watching, please subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/pauldgreen Check out my Airsoft channel here: https://www.youtube.com/airsoftutah The featured player of “Nomad” isn’t up yet but I’ll keep you updated when I upload it.

AR500 Armor Mystery Box UnBoxing

Welcome to my channel! my name is Paul D. Green. I work in the film and video production industry. Along with my vlogs I've really wanted to create review

Paul Green Vlogs ep52 – Princess Consuela Bananahammock?

Basically a hang out day for with Danny and Shanny. With some Dole whip and pizza in between. If for some strange reason you didn't come here directed by Shanny then