Welcome to my channel! my name is Paul D. Green. I work in the film and video production industry. My grandparents kept great journals, I plan to follow their example and keep making these vlogs to maintain a journal of whatever I’m doing and do so in an entertaining way! New Videos Every Monday! or more

The Greatest Scooter Adventure in the World!

With an island full of adventure, experiences and a thriller movie production under our belts already, we plunge into another 10 days of movie making magically motivated maneuvering in Moorea… That is, right after we take a swim the fishes.

Most of the water surround the island of Mo’orea has a vast coral reef which makes the water very still and perfect for snorkeling. Bungelows are even situated over the reef waters for a picturesque setting

The most commonly encountered species of shark in The Islands of Tahiti are the famous black tip reef sharks

They have occasionally been known to bite people that are swimming or wading but do not pose a serious threat to humans. The International Shark Attack File (ISAF) has recorded just 11 unprovoked blacktip reef shark bites on humans since 1959

The sting rays in Moorea are also very docile and almost seem behave like a dog nuzzling up to be fed, they can be quite persistent but were all very friendly

The best way to approach a sting ray is to use a shuffling method in stead of wider steps. I myself as good practice decided to avoid the sting side of the ray

Danny didn’t really kick the sting ray on purpose. What really happened was, Danny thought I had stopped recording, surfaced and started swimming away and in the process brushed the ray with his foot. We would never intentionally harm any living creature.

The next area our guide brought us to had an old history attached, one about missionaries coming to the island in efforts to convert the Polynesians. Many converted straight away merely from hearing the impressive description of the missionaries ships soon to arrive.

Missionaries urged the Polynesians to cast their idols into the sea. ,Still there was some push back and rebellion about this.

The next day we visited a ranch the offers horse back tours through mountains terrain and grande views of large pineapple fields. Some of us crew got to experience the tour first hand as we worked on filming our movie.

Our next set location provided the backdrop as a makeshift care facility for the movie posing as the Philippines. Also John died, well, mostly died. In concert with the medication he takes for Psoriasis, being exposed to the sun drains him immensely.

Andy, having great connections in Moorea from his previous service mission and also knowing French and Tahitian was an indispensable asset to the production chain in getting many extras for these scenes.

After completing scenes where our characters quote un quote “find whales”, without actually finding whales since they were being a bit illusive to us. We headed back, and then to a local village where a chief had recruited his family which all live in the same area to be the extras playing as our quote un quote, “Philippine villagers”.

Another day began and this time with a large air B and B unit of the production showcasing an amazing property with many rooms, gardens, views, a pool and various animals meandering under foot, so, in MTV cribs style I just couldn’t resist giving you a thorough walkthrough.

The next day would become one of the greatest and most rain soaked adventures I had ever embarked on. It deserved a video of its own and can be found here on my channel on the following link and down in the description below. If you or anyone you know is planning a trip to Mo’orea it’s definitely worth a watch.

Our second to last day on the island consisted of getting a few extra shots of cast swimming in the water. There was a nice sense of accomplishment completing such a long run of work days with back to back movies, a thriller and then a romance so a little partying was much anticipated with some silly sea shanties singing soulfully. The night couldn’t be complete with some series shark sights and a smidge of attempted murder.

Out of all the island locations I have visited and worked on, Tahiti is on the top of my list in so many regards. We had stayed nearly a month, completed production on two movies back to back, met many wonderful people and gained an everlasting memory of something that can hardly be described in mere words. To the island we bid only a temporary farewell and say Ta Ta for now.

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

Please start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzJPaG1KVx4&list=PLLriJ2zA5pXFbbnLHQl6N8anT92U9K5r-

Music by
Ronald Jenkees:
and Digital Juice Music inc.

#BestJobintheWorld #Tahiti #Sharks

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