Around 365 days ago I was hired along with some friends to shoot a movie in Tahiti on the beautiful island of Moorea.

00:00 Intro
00:34 What Watching!
02:48 Whale, Let me Sum Up
03:21 – SCOOOOOTERS! –
06:16 Forbidden Tahitian Soccer Game
07:30 The Absolute Wettest Men
10:01 Ancient Tahitian Monument
12:07 Tiki Village Theater
14:03 We Find Treasures
15:28 The Climb to Belvedere Overlook
16:40 The Literal and Proverbial Peak
17:54 Bro Up For Burgers!

Watch my other Tahiti Adventures here:

We filmed two movies to be exact. A thriller called “Stalked in Paradise” and a romance called “Identical Love”

We filmed out there for nearly a month, it was amazing! It’s also my favorite of the islands we have visited to work on.

With the high mountainous vistas overlooking multiple ocean bays, lush green jungles and the breathtaking stillness of the ocean surrounding the island, I couldn’t have dreamed about working in such a place but then there I was!

With one of the two movies completed it was time for our day off.

Trying to min max my time so to speak by making the most of my day off in such a wonderful place, I joined a group looking to go whale watching.

While the surfers surfed and the pod of dolphins passed by we listened to the horrors of shark attacks with explicit detail by our French charter captain, once in French and another time in English, that took about 25 minutes. We also saw lots of humans on boats passing by along the way.

We couldn’t quite get close enough… Thats what I said… Maybe this is all just montage footage… yeah

Even though far away, some whales were in fact spotted breaching,
However, poor Mason had had enough, we flipped around and headed back.

Chapter 2 – Scooters!

Now THIS is what I’M talkin about! John, Scott, Sean and I had reserved scooters to go explore the island, we didn’t have much of a plan more than, LETS GO!

Also, Just a heads up when planning a scooter outing on Moorea, Get your motorcycle endorsement on your drivers license to be able get the scooter with the bigger motor, trust me, its worth it! and consider bringing some kind of rain gear.. Just in case.

The adventure continues…

We had decided to make a turn down any major looking street to further expand our adventures

A little… erm, or a lot of rain wasn’t going to stop our adventures.. We continued making the turns

This catholic influenced church was built in 1897 by Pascuan masons. It’s a replica of the Saint-Michel des Gambier cathedral made in coral

Its silhouette with its two bell towers against a backdrop of greenery and the mountain peak of Mou’aroa, continues to inspire many painters.

The altar in the church garden was made from two ancient carved stones built around 900 AD enclosed in coral slabs

The path was seemingly long and in those rainy moments the terrain felt as if it were uphill both ways. However, in the end the view alone that await, was a triumph, for-our-adventure had come to a proverbial and literal peak.

The last ounce of strength was pressed out of Johns scooter finally eeking him to the top, allowing him to rest his eyes upon the vast splendor which was the Belvedere overlook.

Chapter 3 – Coasting

Well, we managed to get johns bike coasting all they way back down and returned, but we had one final mission to complete… food!

Welcome to my channel! my name is Paul D. Green. I work in the film and video production industry. My grandparents kept great journals, I plan to follow their example and keep making these vlogs to maintain a journal of whatever I’m doing and do so in an entertaining way! New Videos Every Monday! or more

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Be excellent to each other and… TTFN:

Please start here:

YouTube Audio Library Songs used:
Windows Rolled Down – The 126ers
Live Worms – Josh Lippi & The Overtimers
Prizefighter – Norma Rockwell
Easy Seas – Chris Haugen
Rize Up – Diamond Ortiz
Elegy – Wayne Jones
Caipirinha in Hawaii – Carmen María and Edu Espinal
The Empty Moons of Jupiter – DivKid
Easy Seas – Chris Haugen

The trailer for the movie we filmed out there is called “Stocked in Paradise”

#moorea #scooters #Tahiti #Adventure

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