Updating you on the past three days of my life. If you watch, thanks for doing so and giving a hoot. Cause who wants to watch other people’s life. Thanks for stopping by!

You could subscribe if you wanted to, right here at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/pauldgreen

Thanks to “Society’s Renegade” for suggesting I get a car mount to take my car vlogs. Sub to her: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEjb7MhLV6iM-nyqIAj20Lw

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Paul Green ep24 – Huge Mini Film Production pt 2 of 3

Paul Green Vlogs ep24

This is the second installment of the “Huge Mini” series. I call it that because this productions budget and crew was HUGE, for such a short film. It was a

Disney Dinosaur Diorama – Paul’s Peculiar Project

This is one of the most spontaneous and odd crafty art projects I have ever made, specially the way I documented it. I hope you can find the quirky fun

Iron-Dan Designs – Iron Man, Mark 1 Costume

Iron-Dan Designs displayed the Mark 1 Iron Man suit created by Dan Haskell for the 2014 Salt Lake Comic Con. As fan art this Mark 1 suit has amazing