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Installing My Birdhouses – Paul Green Vlogs ep184

Sept 5, 2019 I installed the birdhouses I've been building in my moms tree. My amazing uncle Mark helped me. It was a great success! Watch the making of video here:

Paul Green Vlogs update August 26, 2017

Thanks for watching, become a "Paullower" by subscribing! Be excellent to each other and TTFN: https://www.youtube.com/pauldgreen

The Paul Green Vlog ep28 – My Cousins Wedding!

Paul Green Vlogs ep28

Congratulations to Jessica and Dallin on getting married in the Timpanogos Temple on Saturday July 1, 2017. Thanks for watching, please subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSa_CQWBpxxpTbQBkXadDNQ